Thursday, April 16, 2009

Twin Beds

I am a faternal twin and when I was young, my sister and I shared a double bed. Since it was made for two people...and twins are two people I always thought it was called a twin bed. That is until one day when I was getting sheets from the closet and found that the twin sheets did not fit! I could not understand how a single bed could be called a twin, when it was only for one person. My mother was eventually able to explain it to me.
First Memory

My earliest memory is from the age of three. I had had many bad ear aches, so my parents and my doctor decided to have my adenoids removed. (My tonsils were left in). What I really remember besides the hospital setting, is the desert. I was not (am still not) a big fruit eater. The nurse was upset because I wouldn't eat my cherry pie. It made no sense to me because pie was a desert and that is not a requirement, it is a choice.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009